
Meetings and Conferences

See also the page with 2004 Meetings

Meetings suggested for the past years: 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998.

American Society for Cell Biology 2003 Annual Meeting

December 13-17, 2003 San Francisco, CA, United States

Please contact: Robin Roth
Phone: 301-530-7153
Home page: http://www.ascb.org/meetings/am2003/main03mtg.htm and http://www.ascb.org

2nd Annual eLearning

December 08-09, 2003 Philadelphia, PA, United States

Please contact: The Center for Business Intelligence Research, Inc, 500 W.
Cummings Park. Ste 5400, Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: 800-767-9499 / 781-939-2400
Fax: 781-939-2490
e-mail: register@cbinet.com

International Symposium on Nitric Oxide-Cyclic GMP Signal Transduction in Brain

Valencia (Spain), November 23-25, 2003

Home page: http://www.cac.es/fundacion/symposium_prog2003.htm

For further information please contact: catedrasg@cac.es

ISPPP-2003: 23rd International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides

November 09-12, 2003 Delray Beach, FL, United States

Please contact: Janet Cunningham
Phone: 301-668-6001
Fax: 301-668-4312
e-mail: janetbarr@aol.com

Neuroscience 2003

The Society for Neuroscience 33rd Annual Meeting

New Orleans, November 8 - 12, 2003

Home page: http://web.sfn.org/ACSplash.cfm and http://www.sfn.org

Computational Genomics

November 05-11, 2003 Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States

Please contact: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Meetings & Courses Office,
PO Box 100, 1 Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 11724-2213
Phone: 516-367-8346
Fax: 516-367-8845
e-mail: meetings@cshl.org


November 04-17, 2003 Cold Spring Harbor , NY, United States

Please contact: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Meetings & Courses Office,
PO Box 100, 1 Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 11724-2213
Phone: 516-367-8346
Fax: 516-367-8845
E-mail: meetings@cshl.org

34th World Conference on Lung Health

October 31-02, 2003 - Paris, France

Please contact: Conference Secretariat
e-mail: paris2003@iuatld.org

Oncology 2003

October 29-31, 2003 Havana ,Cuba

Please contact: Dr. Luis Vasquez
Phone: 800-367-7378
Fax: 847-249-2772
e-mail: milalatin@aol.com

5th European Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection

October 25 - 28, 2003 - Rhodes, Greece

Please contact: Congress Secretariat
Phone: 44-2-0-72-321-080
Fax: 44-2-0-77-401-090
e-mail: ecc5@concorde-uk.com

Chemokines 2

October 23 - 24, 2003 Paris, France

Please contact: M. Ludovic Drye
Fax: 33-0-140-613-405
e-mail: euroconf@pasteur.fr

XXIV Congreso Latinoamericano de Patologia
II Congreso Latinoamericano de Citohistocnologia

October 20-24, 2003 - Quito, Ecuador

Home page: http://www.congresoslap2003.com/

Focus on New Drugs

October 12-19, 2003 New York, NY , United States

Please contact: Sheryl Wilk-Sparrow
Phone: 1-800-940-5860 / 561-498-8255
Fax: 561-498-3154
e-mail: webmaster@universitylearning.com

Clearance of Dying Cells By Phagocytes:
Mechanisms and Consequences

August 3-8, 2003, Connecticut College, New London, CT

Home page: http://www.grc.uri.edu/programs/2003/dyingcel.htm

International Congress of Biochemistry Molecular Biology

19th IUBMB

July 20, 2003 - July 24, 2003 Toronto, ON, Canada

Home Page

Please contact: Mr Pierre Lamoureux

Phone: 613-993-9628 Fax: 613-993-7250

e-mail: jubm2003@nrc.ca



July 10 - 15, 2003 / Prague, Czech Republic

Home Page

Second International Conference on Biomedical Spectroscopy

5-8 July, 2003, London, England, UK

a href="http://www.appsci.dmu.ac.uk/biospectrum/">Home Page

ETOX 11, 11th European Workshop on Bacterial Protein Toxins

June 28, 2003 - July 03, 2003, Prague, Czech Republic

Contact: Dr Peter Sebo
Phone: 42-0-24-752-752 Fax: 42-0-24-752-152
e-mail: sebo@biomed.cas.cz

3rd International Conference: Inhibitors of Protein Kinases and Workshop: Phosphoryl-Transfer Mechanisms

June 22, 2003 - June 28, 2003

Warsaw, Poland

Please contact: IPK Secretariat - Barbara Kleyny

Phone: 48-228-749-200

Fax: 48-228-749-115

E-mail: ipk2003@icm.edu.pl

RELATENZ 2003 - Workshop on Enzyme Technology

June 17-21, 2003 - Varadero Beach, Matanzas, Cuba

Home page: http://www.geocities.com/relatenzworkshop/RELA.htm

Seventh Banff Conference on Allograft Pathology

June 14 - 18, 2003, University of Aberdeen, Scotland

Home page: http://cnserver0.nkf.med.ualberta.ca/Banff/2003/tentprog.htm

Monday, 16 June 2003
8:50 - 9:10 Is Transglutaminase the switch between inflammation and scarring in Chronic allograft nephropathy? - Tim Johnson

8th EFOMP Congress and 30th NVKF Annual Scientific Meeting

20-23 May, 2003

EVOLUON Congress Center, Eindhoven, The Netherlands



June 05, 2003 - June 06, 2003 - San Diego, CA, USA

Contact: Sue Johnson
Phone: 858-622-5850 Fax: 858-622-1016
e-mail: AlzheimerDiseaseUpdate@ucsd.edu


May 29, 2003 - June 01, 2003 - Phoenix, AZ, United States

Contact: ISHAGE Head Office, Suite 401, 777 West Broadway, Vancouver BC V5Z 4J7, Canada

Phone: 1-604-874-4366 Fax: 1-604-874-4378
e-mail: headoffice@ishage.org



27th-30th May 2003

Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Home page

Symposium on "Functional genomics in degenerative diseases"

May 23-24 2003 in Regensburg, Germany

Home page


New Developments in Coregulators, Orphan Receptors and Major Therapeutic Areas

May 19-21, 2003 - Westin Philadelphia Hotel - Philadelphia, PA

Homa Page


May 08, 2003 - May 10, 2003 - Napoli, Italy

Contact: Alberto Signore
Phone: 39-064-402-565 Fax: 39-064-402-565
e-mail: alberto.signore@uniroma1.it

9th World Congress of Cancers of the Skin

May 07, 2003 - May 11, 2003

Seville, Spain

Please contact:

Lindsey Smith Phone: 212-725-5176 Fax: 212-725-5751

E-mail: smithl@skincancer.org

The New World of Medicine

May 06, 2003 - May 09, 2003

Prato, Italy

Please contact:

Mrs Annabel Whitby

Phone: 61-395-793-188

Fax: 61-395-701-382

E-mail: annabel.whitby@med.monash.edu.au


from triplet repeat expansions to protein toxicity

May 2-4, 2003, Milan, Italy



29th to 30th April 2003, Marriott International Hotel, Munich, Germany

Home Page

International Conference on Malignancies in AIDS and Other Immunodeficiencies: Basic, Epidemiologic and Clinical Research

April 28, 2003 - April 30, 2003

Bethesda, MD, States

Please contact:

Jaime Quinn

E-mail: jquinn@mail.nih.gov

6th European Congress of Endocrinology

April 26, 2003 - April 30, 2003

Lyon, France

Please contact: Coralie Hossenlopp

Phone: 04-72-985-858 Fax: 04-72-985-898

E-mail: info@endocrinology2003.com

EB 2003: Experimental Biology 2003

April 11, 2003 - April 15, 2003

San Diego, CA, United States

Please contact: Conference Secretariat

e-mail: eb@faseb.org

2nd International Conference on New Biomedical Materials

April 05, 2003 - April 08, 2003

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Please contact:

P.I. Haris

Phone: 00-44-1-162-506-306

Fax: 00-44-1-162-577-287

E-mail: pharis@dmu.ac.uk


IBC Life Sciences 7th Annual Drug Discovery Technology Conference and Exhibition

31 March - 3 April 2003, Stuttgart, Germany

Home Page

5th European Symposium of the Protein Society

March 29, 2003 - April 02, 2003

Florence, Italy

Please contact:

Eva Czerwiec

E-mail: czerwiec@mbl.edu


Proteomics: Technologies and Applications

March 25, 2003 - March 30, 2003

Keystone, CO, United States

Please contact: Customer Service

Phone: 800-253-0685 / 970-262-1230

Fax: 970-262-1525

e-mail: info@keystonesymposia.org

225th Meeting of the American Chemical Society

March 23, 2003 - March 27, 2003

New Orleans, LA, United States

Please contact: American Chemical Society

Phone: 1-202-872-4396

Fax: 1-202-872-6128

e-mail: natlmtgs@acs.org

4th African Congress of Rheumatology

March 06, 2003 - August 13, 2003

Rabat, Morocco

Please contact: Societe Marocaine de Rhumatologie, Service de Rhumatologie B - Hôpital El Ayachi (Chu Rabat-Salé) - SALE - MAROC (MOROCCO).

Phone: 21-237-781-714 Fax: 21-237-883-327

e-mail: n.hajjaj.hassouni@acdim.net.ma

Relevance of Cell Death in Development and Disease of the Brain

February 24, 2003 - February 25, 2003

Berlin, Germany

Please contact:

Sonia Waiczies

Phone: 00-49-30-450-539-051

Fax: 00-49-30-450-539-906

E-mail: sonia.waiczies@charite.de

Diabetes Mellitus: 2003 Update

February 23, 2003 - March 02, 2003

Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Please contact:

Teisha Focken

Phone: 1-800-565-7099 ext 310

Fax: 604-683-9186

E-mail: tfocken@galileo.ca

Functional Genomics: Global Analysis of Complex Biological Systems

February 20, 2003 - February 25, 2003

Santa Fe, NM, United States

Customer Service

Phone: 800-253-0685 / 970-262-1230

Fax: 970-262-1525

E-mail: info@keystonesymposia.org

Proteins and Biological Delivery

February 19, 2003 - February 20, 2003

London, England, United Kingdom

Please contact:

The Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Phone: 44-2-077-359-141

Fax: 44-2-075-820-397

E-mail: kelder@rpsgb.org.uk

Proteins and Biological Delivery

February 19, 2003 - February 20, 2003

London, England, United Kingdom

Please contact: The Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Phone: 44-2-077-359-141

Fax: 44-2-075-820-397

e-mail: kelder@rpsgb.org.uk

3rd International Workshop on Insulin Resistance

February 17, 2003 - February 19, 2003

New Orleans, LA, United States

Please contact:

Megan Ollinger

Phone: 404-591-3277 Fax: 404-233-2827

E-mail: megan_ollinger@us.intmedpress.com

Cardiovascular Disease Drug Discovery & Development Summit

February 10, 2003 - February 11, 2003

San Diego, CA, United States

Please contact:

Jon Liong

Phone: 888-666-8514 Fax: 212-967-7973

E-mail: jliong@srinstitute.com

Molecular Mechanisms of Apoptosis

February 08, 2003 - February 13, 2003

Banff, AB, Canada

Please contact: Customer Service

Phone: 800-253-0685 / 970-262-1230

Fax: 970-262-1525

e-mail: info@keystonesymposia.org


New Targets in Oncology

February 06, 2003 - February 08, 2003

Monte Carlo, Monaco

Please contact: Heather Drew

Phone: 1-770-751-7332

Fax: 1-770-751-7334

e-mail: h.drew@imedex.com

International Symposium on Separation and Characterisation of Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules

February 05, 2003 - February 07, 2003

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Please contact: Symposium Organiser

Phone: 32-58-523-116

Fax: 32-58-514-575

e-mail: macromolecules@ordibo.be

Membrane Proteins: Structure and Mechanism

Taos Convention Center, Taos, New Mexico USA

February 4 - 10, 2003


Frontiers of NMR in Molecular Biology

Taos Convention Center, Taos, New Mexico USA

February 4 - 10, 2003


Computational Biology of Time

January 31, 2003 - February 04, 2003

Banff, AB, Canada

Please contact: Customer Service

Phone: 800-253-0685 / 970-262-1230

Fax: 970-262-1525

e-mail: info@keystonesymposia.org

5th International Symposium on Anti-Angiogenic Agents

January 30, 2003 - February 02, 2003

San Diego, CA, United States

Please contact: The CBCE

Phone: 972-929-1900

Fax: 972-929-1901

e-mail: symposia@thecbce.com


Luxembourg, January 29 to February 1st 2003

European Conference Center

Home Page: http://www.transduction-meeting.lu/

2nd European Short Course:
Laboratory Animal Science and Modern Biology

January 22-24, 2003

Hilton Hotel, Strasbourg, France

Home page: http://www.criver.com/events/workshops/

2nd European Short Course

Laboratory Animal Science and Modern Biology

January 22-24, 2003 - Hilton Hotel, Strasbourg, France

Home Page

HPCE 2003 - 16th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis Including Mini-Symposia on Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics

January 18, 2003 - January 23, 2003

San Diego, CA, United States

Please contact: Symposium Organiser

e-mail: cstewart@casss.org

Cell Migration and Invasion

January 18, 2003 - January 23, 2003

Breckenridge, CO, United States

Please contact:

Customer Service

Phone: 800-253-0685 / 970-262-1230

Fax: 970-262-1525

E-mail: info@keystonesymposia.org