
Meetings and Conferences

Meetings suggested in the past years: 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998.

See also the NEW PAGE: Meetings 2003 !


20th Annual Pediatric Medicine Update Conference

December 29, 2002 - January 05, 2003

Tampa, FL, United States

Please contact:
Tina Mower
Phone: 800-645-2222 - Fax: 715-345-1397
E-Mail: tmower@noelgroup.com

Characterisation and Specification of Protein and DNA Biopharmaceuticals

December 16, 2002

London, England, United Kingdom

Please contact:
Management Forum Ltd
48 Woodbridge Road, Guildford
Surrey GU1 4RJ
Phone: 44-0-1-483-570-099
Fax: 44-0-1-483-536-424
E-mail: registrations@management-forum.co.uk

42nd Annual Meeting of The American Society for Cell Biology

December 14-18, 2002 - San Francisco, California



5th - 6th December 2002



MEDNET 2002, 7th World Congress on the Internet in Medicine

December 04, 2002 - December 07, 2002

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Please contact: Dr J.W. van der Slikke

Phone: 31-204-443-344

Fax: 31-299-413-281

e-mail: info@mednet2002.org


9-11 December 2002, Cambridge UK


Techniques & Applications of Molecular Biology

December 09 - 12, 2002

Coventry , England, United Kingdom

Please contact:
Dr Charlotte Moonan
Phone: 024-76-523-540
Fax: 024-76-523-701
E-mail: Charlotte.Moonan@warwick.ac.uk

44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology

December 06 - 10, 2002

Philadelphia, PA, United States

Please contact:
American Society of Haematology
Phone: 1-202-857-1118
Fax: 1-202-857-1164
E-mail: ash@dc.sba.com

SPS '02 Congress on Applied Proteomics

3-5 December 2002, Lausanne, Switzerland


Understanding the Genome: Scientific Progress and Microarray Technology

November 29 - December 01, 2002

Genoa, Italy

Please contact:
Dr. Luigi Varesio
Phone: 39-0-105-636-324
Fax: 39-0-103-733-346
E-mail: luigivaresio@ospedale-gaslini.ge.it

Coronary Heart Disease Update

November 22-24, 2002

Orlando, FL, United States

Please contact:
Medical Education Resources, 1500 W. Canal Court, Suite 500 Littleton, CO 80120
Phone: 800-421-3756 / 303-798-9682 - Fax: 303-798-5731
E-mail: info@mer.org

Psoriasis from Gene to Clinic

November 21-23, 2002

London, England, UK

Please contact:
Emma Clayton
Phone: 0-2-0-73-830-266
E-mail: emmac@bad.org.uk

75th Scientific Session, American Heart Association

November 17, 2002 - November 20, 2002

Chicago, IL, United States

Contact: American Heart Association

Phone: 1-214-373-6300

Fax: 1-214-373-3406



6th International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection

November 17-20, 2002

Glasgow , Scotland, United Kingdom

Please contact:
Bridget Stevens
Phone: 44-0-1-625-511-953
Fax: 44-0-1-625-511-924
E-mail: hiv6@gardiner-caldwell.com

2nd International Conference on Recombinant Protein Production with Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells / 112th Event of the European Federation of Biotechnology

November 14, 2002 - November 16, 2002

Cernobbio, Italy

Please contact: Prof Danilo Porro

Phone: 39-0-264-483-435

Fax: 39-0-264-483-565

e-mail: danilo.porro@unimib.it


Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics

November 15-19, 2002

Washington, DC, United States

Please contact:
American Society of Human Genetics
Phone: 3-015-711-825
Fax: 3-015-307-079

Journees Internationales de Biologie

November 14-16, 2002

Paris, France

Please contact:
Magali Bravard
Phone: 33-0-147-565-071
Fax: 33-0-147-565-258
E-mail: magali_bravard@reedexpo.fr

2nd International Conference on Recombinant Protein Production with Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

European Federation of Biotechnology

November 14-16, 2002

Cernobbio, Italy

Please contact:
Prof Danilo Porro
Phone: 39-0-264-483-435
Fax: 39-0-264-483-565
E-mail: danilo.porro@unimib.it

The Chemotherapy Foundation Symposium XX: Innovative Cancer Therapy for Tomorrow

November 13, 2002 - November 16, 2002

New York, NY, United States

Please contact: Jaclyn Silverman

Phone: 212-241-6772

Fax: 212-369-5440

e-mail: jaclyn.silverman@mssm.edu


BIO-Europe 2002

November 11, 2002 - November 13, 2002

Stuttgart, Germany

Please contact: Meeting Organiser

e-mail: fschoenhammer@ebdgroup.com




Mechanisms of Cell Death and Disease

November 08, 2002 - November 11, 2002

Sintra, Portugal

Please contact: Meeting Organiser

e-mail: ghyslaine@esh.org

Society of Matrix Biology Conference

November 07, 2002 - November 10, 2002

Houston, TX , United States

Please contact: Conference Services-HMB 131, UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX 77030-4095

Phone: 713-792-2222

Fax: 713-794-1724

e-mail: meetings@mdaisd1.mdacc.tmc.edu


Protein-Protein Interactions

4-6 November 2002, Newark, NJ, USA


Annual Meeting of the American Electrophoresis Society

in conjunction with the American Institute of Chemical Engineers

3-6 November 2002, Indianapolis, USA


Society for Neuroscience - ANNUAL MEETING

November 2-7, 2002


Therapies for Viral Hepatitis

October 29-31, 2002

Boston , MA, United States

Please contact:
Organizing Secretariat, Hepatitis 2002,
International Medical Press USA,
3340 Peachtree Road, Suite 550
Atlanta GA 30326, USA
Barbara Kell
Phone: 1-404-233-6446 / 44-0-207-398-0700
Fax: 1-404-233-2827 / 44-0-207-398-0701

9th Annual Chips to Hits

27-31 October 2002

Philadelphia, PA, USA


28th Meeting of the Federation of the European Biochemical Societies

October 20, 2002 - October 25, 2002

Jerusalem, Israel

Please contact: Kenes Organisers of Congresses and Tour Operators Ltd, PO Box 50006,

Tel Aviv 61500, Israel

Phone: 97-235-140-000

Fax: 97-235-140-077

e-mail: conventions@kenes.com


10th United European Gastroenterology Week

October 19, 2002 - October 24, 2002

Geneva, Switzerland

Please contact: Federation of European Gastroenterological Societies

Phone: 396-322 1806

Fax: 396-324-0143


Peptides and Non-peptides of Neuroendocrine and Oncologic Relevance

October 17, 2002 - October 19, 2002

Como, Italy

Contact: Eugenio E Muller

Phone: 39-0-258-357-010 / 70-12

Fax: 39-0-258-357-011

e-mail: eugenio.muller@unimi.it

2nd International Symposium on Monoclonal Antibody Therapies for Hematological Malignancies and Autoimmune Diseases

October 14, 2002 - October 15, 2002

Nonantola di Modena, Italy

Please contact: Linda Bellavita

Phone: 00-39-0-224-449-254

Fax: 00-39-0-224-449-250

e-mail: info@doc-congress.com

The 10th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Gene Therapy
October 13-16, 2002
Antibes-Juan les Pins
French Riviera
Please visit the ESGT 2002 website at http://www.elso.org/index.php?id=elso2002


15th Congress of the International Society for Eye Research

October 06, 2002 - October 11, 2002

Geneva, Switzerland

Please contact: Kenes International, 17 Rue du Cendrier, P.O. Box 1726, CH -2111 Geneva 1, Switzerland

Phone: 41-22-908-0488

Fax: 44-845-127-5678

e-mail: icer@kenes.com

2002 Joint Meeting of

the International Cytokine Society (ICS),

the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research (ISICR),

the European Cytokine Society (ECS)

and Society for Leukocyte Biology (SLB)

October 06, 2002 - October 11, 2002

Torino, Italy

Please contact: Organizing Secretariat, M.A.F. Servizi srl - Congress Department, Via G.B. Vico 7 - 10128 Torino

Phone: 39-0-11-505-900

Fax: 39-0-11-505-976

e-mail: cyto2002@mafservizi.it

Joint NBN-EBI course on


October 4-5, 2002
European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK

Pharmacogenetics: From Bench to Bedside

October 03, 2002 - October 04, 2002

New York, NY, United States

Please contact: Janice Flecha

Phone: 212-822-7204

Fax: 212-822-7338

e-mail: jflecha@nyam.org

16th International Congress of the International Society for Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis (ISFP)

September 08, 2002 - September 13, 2002

Munich, Germany

Please contact: Secr: K.I.T München GmbH, Geibelstr. 6, D-81679 Munich, Germany

Phone: 4989-4707-7250 / 7251

Fax: 4989-414-404-741

e-mail: manfred.schmitt@lrz.tum.de

Nucleic Acid Techniques: A Three-day Laboratory Course

September 04, 2002 - September 06, 2002

Hatfield, England, United Kingdom

Please contact: Dr Virginia Bugeja

Phone: 01-707-284-590

Fax: 01-707-286-137

e-mail: V.Bugeja@herts.ac.uk

Protein Techniques Course

September 02, 2002 - September 03, 2002

Hatfield, England, United Kingdom

Please contact: Prof. John Walker

Phone: 01-707-284-546

Fax: 01-707-284-510

e-mail: J.M.Walker@herts.ac.uk

10th International Symposium on Coeliac Disease
2-5 June, 2002, Paris
Contact: Thong-Sy CHAU Service de Gastroenterologie Pediatrique, Hopital des Enfants Malades
149 Rue de Sevres
75743 PARIS Cedex 15
Tel : 01 44 49 48 93 --- Fax : 01 44 38 16 01
E-mail: thong-sy.chau@nck.ap-hop-paris.fr


Molecular Mechanisms of Polyglutamine diseases
Genetics Disease mechanisms and modifiers Transgenics
Bonn, Germany, May 23-25, 2002


20th International Lectin Meeting

May 21-25, 2002 - Copenhagen, Denmark
Contact: Meeting Organiser
E-Mail: tcbh@biobase.dk


Digestive Disease Week
May 19-22, 2002 - The Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, USA


The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
(ARVO) Annual Meeting
May 05 - 10, 2002
Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States
Phone: 301-571-1844 --- Fax: 301-571-8311


Flow Cytometry Course Programme
April 23-24, 2002 - London, England, UK
Contact: Kay Dorelli
Phone: 02-0-88-752-410
E-Mail: kay@immunology.org


7th Neurodegenerative Disorders: Common Molecular Mechanisms
April 14-20, 2002 - Montego Bay, Jamaica
Contact: Nico Stanculescu
Phone: 773-784-8134 --- Fax: 208-575-5453
E-Mail: nico@worldeventsforum.com


7th Internet World Congress for Biomedical Sciences
April 14-20, 2002 - Lima, Peru
Contact: Gustavo Borja
Phone: 511-853-0478
E-Mail: gusborja@hotmail.com


American Association for Cancer Research 93rd Annual Meeting
April 06 - 10, 2002 - San Francisco, CA, USA
Contact: American Association for Cancer Research
Public Ledger Building, Suite 826
150 South Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483
Phone: 215-440-9300 --- Fax: 215-440-9313
E-Mail: meetings@aacr.org


Molecular Biology Update
March 25 - 28, 2002 - Hatfield, England, UK
Contact: Dr Virginia Bugeja
Phone: 01-707-285-974 --- Fax: 01-707-286-137
E-Mail: V.Bugeja@herts.ac.uk


Advanced Haematopathology Course
March 18, 2002 - March 22, 2002 - London, England, UK
Contact: Sophie Thomas
Phone: 0-2-083-833-039 --- Fax: 0-2-087-429-335
E-Mail: sophie.thomas@ic.ac.uk


4th International Conference on the Adjuvant Therapy of Malignant Melanoma
March 15, 2002 - March 16, 2002
London, England, United Kingdom
Contact: Secretariat to the 4th ICATMM - CCI Limited
Phone: (0) 20 7720 0600 --- Fax: (0) 20 7720 7177
e-mail: melanoma@confcomm.co.uk


12th World Congress of Gastroenterology (WCOG)
February 24, 2002 - March 01, 2002
Bangkok - Thailand

Contact: Ms Tinkie Schaffordt Koops
Phone: 20 5040 204 --- Fax: 20 5040 225
e-mail: wcog2002@congrex.nl


Hematopoietic Stem Cell Therapy: The Basic Questions
February 01, 2002 - February 01, 2002
Milan, Italy
Contact: Arbor S.r.l.
Phone: 022-0220270 - Fax: 022-046169